How to get rid of nail fungus quickly and permanently

How to get rid of nail fungus on feet at home fast? This topic have to do not only women but also men are affected by the disturbance of the order of fungi in the hands or feet.

The symptoms and signs of nail fungus

The symptoms and signs of fungal

Change the color of the nail plate - the main characteristic of the appearance of fungi

To start is to determine the initial signs of the emergence of fungi. Of course, the presence of any symptom does not mean that you played as a nuisance. However, it is never more be careful – it is very important to start the treatment in time, without losing precious time.

So, the following symptoms may indicate that the nails affected by fungi:

  • they have made it too brittle and thin;
  • plate changed color, acquires a tint yellowish or, on the contrary, became unnaturally white;
  • near the cuticle area appeared yellow stripes;
  • the nail began to separate from the skin;
  • on the inner side of the plate appeared dark or yellow stripes, spots, unnatural brands.

Causes of fungal

The raw tools for a pedicure - a potential source of fungal infection

Factors in the emergence of fungi can be both external and depend on the conditions in which the body and the interior, then it is likely that the fungus is the body's attempt to talk about some more serious disease.


A favourable environment for the emergence and spread of mildew – high humidity and the heat. The external causes can be attributed to mechanical damage, for example, often the fungus appears as a result of the fact that the finger of the hand was to take the fort at the door.

A situation in which, for a long time used the old and of the poor quality of the shoes is critical for a foot condition and almost certainly, subsequently, raise the question of how to get rid of nail fungus on the feet.

The spread of the disease contribute to the swimming pools and saunas, and other places, involving high humidity and heat. It is important to remember that, often, nail fungus is an unpleasant consequence of foot fungus, so that in public places is highly undesirable that appear without shoes: the infection is easily transmitted through the tiled surface.

How to prevent the spread of the fungus

One of the means of preventing the appearance of fungus in nail quality foot health.

The best way to fight fungus is to prevent its appearance. This should follow some simple guidelines to help your feet will always stay beautiful and healthy:

  • wear shoes made of materials breathable;
  • follow the hygiene of the feet and change socks regularly;
  • regularly do pedicure, cutting the nails, monitoring their state of conservation and change of color;
  • do not walk barefoot in public places.

If you suddenly notice a fungus too late or believe that the disease progresses, it is advisable to seek the help of a physician – self-treatment can be dangerous.

Treatment of nail fungus folk remedies

Vinegar baths help to get rid of the fungus

For lovers of folk remedies have good news: many believe that since fungus of the toenails can quickly get rid of the house, but how to do it?

The first method is perhaps the easier toenail fungus treatment with vinegar. It creates an acid environment that prevents the spread of infectious diseases spores. The fungus is deprived of the ability to feed on bacteria and other nutrients, and dies.

You can make a vinegar bath. Lovers of folk medicine claim that regular use of this recipe will provide a quick recovery of the skin, without additional costs and taking drugs. The procedure requires hot water and a cup of 9% vinegar. The legs must be submerged in a solution to the ankles and to keep the ship of not more than 15 minutes.

Foot health

There is another way to do the vinegar lotion. The Experts advise to combine this with a treatment, so the treatment will be more effective. The point is to put the vinegar on a ball of cotton and apply to the nails in about fifteen minutes.

Maybe for someone more handy is to do the ointment in a base of vinegar-this remedy will long remain. To prepare the ointment necessary to 70% of acetic acid, glycerin, dimethylphthalate and pure olive oil in ratio 2:1:1:1. Ingredients enough to mix, then your tool will be ready. This ointment should be applied to the affected areas, leave for up to ten hours, and then rinse with warm water with soap.

You have to remember that the folk remedies to get rid of nail fungus fast just in case the infection is not passed to a functioning stage. As soon as you notice worsening of the situation, ask for help to the doctor.

Fungus in the toes

Effective treatment of the fungus is tea tree oil

It is believed that not only does the vinegar become a reliable fighter against fungus. All the experts in this topic as a tip: to get rid of nail fungus on your feet will help the tea tree oil.

Oil directly affects the elements of the cause of the spread of the infection of the fungus-the dermatophytes. For the ladies, of course, it is no secret that the essential oil has properties antiseptic. Therefore, it quickly reduces inflammation and acts on the origin of the infection, inhibition of bacteria harmful and spores.

Sufferers need to be especially careful: tea tree oil can be very dangerous to sensitive skin, so it is advisable to test for allergic reactions.

With the help of tea tree oil can:

  • to make the bath of feet. Just add hot water and about 20 drops of oil and keep there feet for about 20 minutes, the constant maintenance of the temperature of comfort for you;
  • applying the oil directly on the plate of the nail. This method can be combined with the previous one, and then the clean oil can be applied on the affected areas of the nails after you have done the tray. The oil should be rubbed on the nail plate twice a day. And to wash it is optional, is the natural product and, therefore, safe.
Foot bath

However, the forms of folk medicine can improve the situation. Then it is time to turn to the drugs – if you believe the reviews, simple pharmacy tools allow you to get rid of nail fungus on feet at home fast: understand how.

Drugs for the treatment of nail fungus

Pharmacy of creams and gels in the mold applied to the entire foot.

When the cauterization with vinegar, iodine and hydrogen peroxide does not give the desired effect, and you are already exhausted from trying to understand how to get rid of nail fungus, it is time to fill your first aid kit.

The choice of the tool depends largely on what you prefer to use lacquer, drops or powder. If you believe the reviews, the painting seems to be the most practical option for getting rid of nail fungus: it is not dirty, do not have time to waste time, and apply it three times a day as necessary to do with the dust, is clearly unnecessary.

But the thing to remember that the problem of fungus treatment not lose precious time. The sooner treatment begins, the better it will be for you and your nails. After his recovery, in any case, you can't forget about the set of prevention rules that will help your nails to be healthy and strong.

Prevention of nail fungus

Principles of treatment of fungus on the feet and nails is the key to fast recovery

Once affected with nail fungus are two times more annoying that initially healthy. But remember that prevention is necessary for everyone: even those who, luckily, never faced with the problem of how to get rid of nail fungus fast on my own experience.

Remember that a nuisance for your pedicure can convert any unprotected contact with the environment – even a visit to a sandy beach, not to mention gyms, saunas, swimming pools. Imagine: the sun heats the beach sand fungi can live for months! It says a lot about the survivability of this parasite – so be careful and do not forget Slippers, even if you really want to run barefoot on the sand hot.

Don't forget to disinfect regularly wash the tub with special cleaners and hot water. Loofah and sponge handle five percent chlorine solution. Underwear that contact with the diseased parts of the body, possibly need to be completely replaced. But you can do it by boiling with the addition of washing powder for half an hour.

Prevention of nail fungus

Needs of disinfection and shoes, that has been for you in the time of the disease. Ok, don't really want to throw the new leather boots luxurious suede shoes. For disinfection suitable vinegar solution or chlorhexidine. You can also use the dryers for shoes with effect antimicrobial.

Will not be any problem to treat of feet 40% solution of hexamine, a special powder (which are easier to ask the pharmacist in any pharmacy) or any other solutions. Dry skin avoid the use of creams that prevent the formation of calluses.

And very obvious – change your socks and stockings, not to wear someone else's shoes (or even try!) and no, don't leave your own. Bring comfortable boots and shoes: you don't have to be neither too narrow nor too broad. And try not to damage the nail plate. If the work is connected with risk for a manicure or pedicure, try to take measures of protection, for example, wear gloves.